LR Alertz
LR Alertz

LR Alertz is a mobile messaging application that provides Messaging-as-a-Service to all active subscribers on its platform. Subscribers on LR Alertz are usually notified via sms, e-mail and PUSH Notification for all subscribed services.
LR Alertz mobile app can be accessed via Android and Blackberry 10 devices and can be downloaded from their respective app stores (Google Playstore and Blacckbery World).
Some Features available on LR Alertz includes:
- Mobile Subscription: Subscribers can either do a quick subscription for their choice services or susbcribe for other intending subscribers.
- Credit Transfer: Share or transfer your credits with other active subscribers if the need arises.
- Subscription History: We believe in transparency and provide our subscribers with a report on demand for all previous subscriptions.
- Alert History: Provides details of all messages or notifications received by subscribers within a specific period of time
- LR Alertz Support: Chat with our support team who have been specifically trained to help you resolve any technical issues encountered in the usage LR Alertz
- Account Swap: Migrate your account from one mobile number to another with your active susbcription remaining intact.
- Security: Strong security measures have been put in place to protect your account from unauthorized access.